Call for Greenwich Cyclists AGM

A Greenwich Cyclists AGM now needs to be convened. This is long overdue, but perhaps Greenwich Cyclists has suspended elections because there’s a war going on. This is the Greenwich Cyclists Constitution. The AGM will be an opportunity for people to approve the last set of AGM minutes, which are reproduced below:


3rd JUNE 2009

1 Members present

Jenny Bates [Chair], Anthony Austin, Stephen Craven, Tom Crispin, Liz Delap, Sarah Ellis, Eric Gauster, Teri Griffith, John Hearns, Barry Mason, Francis Sedgemoor and David Senior.    

Apologies from Chris le Breton, Julian Dobson, Grant Griffiths and Stuart Parkin.  It was announced that Julian’s second son had just been born.

2 Chairman’s report

Jenny took the chair and spoke about the success of green organisations (including her own, Friends of the Earth) in campaigning for cyclists.  The present focus was on promoting cycling in the outer London boroughs and the next one would be on air quality. She welcomed the new Mayor’s transport strategy.

3 Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the 2008 meeting were approved (proposed Barry, seconded Sarah).  Barry commented that attendance was not recorded.  Stephen explained that the minutes were part of a document that included the minutes of the ordinary meeting immediately preceding it, but would include attendance separately next time.

4 Co-ordinator’s report

Anthony referred to the report that he had circulated by e-mail before the meeting (and appended to these minutes).

5 Treasurer’s report

Sarah presented summary accounts for the year ending March 2009.  She reported that the current account had been successfully transferred to the Unity Trust bank.  The grant account remained with the Co-Operative, and currently held £2921.  To that could be added £1105 that remained unspent from the 2008 CCFFL grant, meaning that we would have around £4000 in the grants account, and around £2400 in the current account.  LCC had approved the draft accounts and she would be meeting the independent examiner the following week. Anthony proposed acceptance of the accounts. Liz seconded, agreed unanimously.

6 Election of officers

The following were elected unopposed for 2009/10 (proposers and seconders initials following):

  • Group Co-ordinator: Anthony Austin [SC/TG]
  • Treasurer: Sarah Ellis [LD/TG]
  • Secretary: Stephen Craven [SE/TG]
  • Other committee members: Teri Griffith [TC/DS]
  • Liz Delap [AA/TC]
  • Grant Griffith* [SE/LD]
  • Stuart Parkin* [LD/AA]    

* - Stuart and Grant not being present but believed to be willing to be nominated.

7 Any Other Business

Tom Crispin proposed a special vote of thanks to Sarah for her hard work on the accounts.