1. The name of the group shall be "Greenwich Cyclists" (or any other such name as may be decided at the AGM). This document is the governing document of Greenwich Cyclists.
2. Greenwich Cyclists exists to:
- encourage more people to cycle
- improve conditions for cyclists
- raise the profile of cycling
3. Greenwich Cyclists is an independent branch of the London Cycling Campaign. It inherits the objects and powers of that body from the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the LCC. In particular, Greenwich cyclists may hold funds in designated accounts to further the above aims. Such funds may only be spent in agreement with the Chair/Co-ordinator and Treasurer of Greenwich Cyclists, subject to the financial rules agreed by the management committee of the LCC. Any cheques must be signed by one of the three designated Greenwich Cyclist signatories with approval from the Co-ordinator.
4. Membership of Greenwich cyclists is open to anyone person or organisation who shares the aims of Greenwich Cyclists, and who should normally be a member of the LCC.
5. Greenwich Cyclists shall be governed by a management committee of not less than five members who shall be appointed by all members attending the AGM.
6. The management committee shall comprise the following:
- Co-ordinator (Chair)
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- At least two others as deemed necessary
7. Members of the management committee shall be elected for one year at the AGM. The AGM will be held once a year. Candidates will be nominated by another member and seconded by at least one other member. If more than one person is proposed, a show of hands will decide.
8. Greenwich Cyclists and its management committee shall meet not less than once a quarter. All members are encouraged to take part in decisions. All members may attend all meetings and vote on decisions and at elections.
9. Agreed unanimously and adopted at the Greenwich Cyclists meeting on 2 June 2003.