NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link:
This ride will start at 10am on Saturday March 8th by the entrance to the Greenwich Foot Tunnel at King William Walk, London SE10 9HT.
It is now more than 10 years since two of the more mature members of Greenwich Cyclists set out from Cutty Sark, like a well-trained pair of special forces soldiers, to brave the weather and do what has now become the legendary "Ride in Search of the Woolwich Tumps".
We were promised another such ride would take place, when the weather was more clement, especially to Tump 53, which has been remodelled into a nature reserve. This is it.
On the original ride, Ian Blore and David Senior started by adjusting their battle plan at the Arsenal and then struck out for the High Tor of Thamesmead (which is devilishly disguised as Gallions Hill). There they were able to conduct an aerial survey of Tumpland. Both boys were met at the summit by a local group practising a religious ceremony. The locals were very friendly even in the growing rain and did not detect their undercover purpose. The duo spotted the “Twin Tumps” near to the end of the Harrow Canal by Morrisons. The more camouflaged Tump 53 however avoided their eagle-eyed survey.

With the rain becoming ever more tropical, it was decided that they should infiltrate a local eatery, the Cornerstone Café (now called Boulangerie Jade). This was an attempt to gather more intelligence from the locals there. This wholly failed. Not even an ex-local elder had heard of these borderland WMD facilities, the Woolwich Tumps. The intrepid lads dried off during the monsoonal part of the morning’s rain and decided to return to base to report on their (limited) findings.
The reconnaissance appeared to show that the Twin Tumps had once had an entrance off Waterside Close. If so, why has the whole area now been fenced off? Is it because the land is being reserved for a proposed (and hopefully never-to-be-built) Gallions Reach bridge? Let's hope not. There are so many spaces within the Borough that truly belong to the public and should be kept that way.
This is the Woolwich Artillery Practice Butt, which is close to Tump 53:

The route for this ride can be downloaded from here:
This is the Komoot link:
Riders of all ages are welcome on Cyclists in Southwark Rides, but under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Always give way to pedestrians and to other cyclists so all path users feel safe. If you cannot make a ride, please cancel so that someone else can take your place.
This ride is organised by Cyclists In Southwark and is part of a regular programme of Saturday rides. Cyclists In Southwark represents the non-Southwark contingent within Southwark Cyclists. This ride is organised by volunteers. If you have any feedback, good or bad, please get in touch with the organiser.
Organiser: Nigel Bee (tel: 07415 315 690, email: